Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Oh my. I've just found out that my "first" (or second?!) love is on FB and has married a girl who is the total opposite of the type he liked when he was younger. I mean, exactely the opposite. And he has grown up children too! Wow, what a change. I guess I had in mind a completely different picture of him. Or perhaps I was stuck with a teenager image that doesn't match up with the current "version". Sometimes FB is creepy, isn't it? You jump into someone who belongs to your past and ...bum! You face the new reality of things: your "ex" gets old, is in a long-term marriage and has kids. He looks so different.

I wonder if I do so different too. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you do. We all loook different in time.

    However, some age better than others! ;-)
