Thursday, March 22, 2012

The day after the first day of spring

I'm glad P. doesn't blame me for my decision. It's just too far away so... it's a no. I won't even apply which, to be honest, makes me feel slightly better than last week. At least I don't have to deal with "what if" questions. It was a difficult decision but I am now convinced that it's the right one for me. Otherwise I would feel pretty bad which is not the case at all. I feel exhausted but this is because I've been very busy lately: work + emotional stress have taken a toll on my body. I am back to my weekly workout routine which helps a lot. 

I'm planning my trip to the UK where I'll be staying for 4 days (including my birthday!). I know it will be great as I'll catch with many colleagues and friends but it will involve also stress (again). I'll probably take one day off next week (spa?) in order to look less as zombie and more as the "usual me" (? I don't know what that means but it sounds good). When I'm stressed out I feel like Bridget Jones, if I don't take care of myself I'll end up looking like a mess. I definitely need to get myself together BEFORE the trip. So, pilates, pilates and pilates & one day just for me. 


  1. Good! The right decision is the one that makes you feel better.

  2. I agree, and you'll never know what it will happen tomorrow!
    Il mio inglese peggiora, perciò meglio usare l'italiano...
    Altre occasioni possono arrivare in futuro, magari in posti più vicini.
    Anni fa anche io ho avuto lo stesso dubbio e ho fatto la tua stessa scelta.
    Adesso non so cosa farei anche perchè, come mi capita di pensare ogni tanto, forse bisogna ampliare un po' di più gli orizzonti e cambiare proprio tipo di lavoro.
    Si vedrà, nel frattempo godiamoci il ritorno della primavera!

  3. Oh, THIS one didn't.

    Just so you know, I write long comments and they don't come out. This is frustrating. I often give up. It has to do with wordpress, I guess.

    Anyway, I think you made the right decision. Australia is SO far away that moving there implies a total break up with your family and life in Italy. I know people who have done it, but I just couldn't imagine you. I didn't tell you before because I didn't want to influence your decision in any way, but I had no doubt you wouldn't do it. So now stop thinking about it!

  4. @Silvia: yes, indeed. And I do feel much better.
    @Pietro: nice to see you here :-) sì, godiamoci il sole e non pensiamo più a ciò che avremmo potuto e/o dovuto fare.
    @arte: so sorry about that! I don't know why though, as everything seems OK. Perhaps it's wordpress, as you said.Thank you for not saying it before.

  5. To be honest, as long as you believe it is the right decision, then it's the right decision.

    So, as Arte says, now, stop thinking about it :-)

    p.s. personally, of course, I am very happy that you're staying. the occasional ice-cream and drink is most enjoyable :-D
