Monday, February 20, 2012

Blog Prolific and Other Short Random/Stupid Thoughts

* Too bad I delated all my old posts. I want them back! 

* There are far too many titles in my kindle but I keep adding books. I haven't read this one yet and I haven't finished 1Q84. The latter is too long and complex, I need time & relax (read = not now!).

* Do you know Filippa Lagerback? I really like her style. Moreover, the template of her blog is the coolest ever. 

* Sometimes my contradictions are overwhelming but now that I'm getting familiar with them, life it's better. 


  1. Which contradictions? The ones like "now I'm going to delete all my posts... too bad I did it, I want them back?" ;-)

  2. Ciao Silvia,
    yes that kind of contradictions and many others :D
