Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Still pretty busy

but I'm doing fine. I'll work from home this week so I'll have time to update the blog. Nothing new though. Oh yes, one thing: I signed up for a gym, spent lots of money and went twice. I feel bad about it but what can I do? So now I have less money in my pockets which sucks. And, I'm going to start pilates again this week...so more money but nothing in comparison to what I waisted NOT going to gym. 

The only thing I like (I am good at) is pilates. But my trainer and friend A. got ill in December and never felt the same after that. Additionally, something else happened to her. I'll find out in a couple of days, she didn't want to talk about it over the phone. 

Anyway, I really miss my pilates classes with her. I did feel GREAT last year when I did it twice a week. I work more this year though and I am also more tired because of the "pest"  (I'm sure you know whom** I'm talking about).

I'll write more in the coming days!

** is whom correct? I'm still struggling with the difference between "who" and "whom"...

Friday, February 1, 2013

It happens when I'm feeling down

I go to bed and I feel full of life and energies. I start planning for things I should do in order to feel better. I sleep a few hours and I'm back on track, on a much more positive track again.
Writing down my feelings make a difference. So the "writing more" goal was a good idea. Sharing my very personal thoughts here is good too.

Plans for today include:
  • update and restructure my cv (and send it do my lovely friend who reads everything I write in English)
  • go to the gym! This inactivity has to stop as I don't feel good.
  • set up a new blog. No, I'm not going to close this. I'm going to start a professional blog. Lola's Scrapbook is my personal space and will always be.
  • plan a special dinner for next week. It's our anniversary: 16 years :-) We should CELEBRATE!
Have a good day